Round 6 Updates

Ben went in for this 6th chemo infusion on Tuesday and is handling every round so well. He is tired but overall symptoms remain very minimal. He anxiously awaits Thursday afternoons to be disconnected from the bag and check off another round. 

One of the indicators the doctors have been tracking this whole process is his CEA levels. This blood marker is a tumor marker and is indicative of the cancer's ability to spread. A normal marker for him would be <4. For those that like numbers, here has been the progression: 

5/20 - 161 

6/27 - 91 

7/11 - 33 

8/8 - 14 

8/22 - 9.5 

This is a huge answer to prayer! After the last scans and continued blood work, we know the chemo is working! 

Please continue to pray: 

  1. That all symptoms of treatment remain minimal. 

  2. That the chemo continues to completely eradicate the cancer in his body. 

The plan is for treatment to continue as planned and have Round 7 & Round 8 in September. As the kids went back to school we were able to reflect on our summer together as a family and are truly grateful that our summer was better than we could have imagined it. We are thankful for God’s kindness to us and see that in every little win along the way. Thank you all for the continued prayer 🙏


Round 7 Updates


Round 5 and Other Updates