April 3, 2024 

An actual MIRACLE happened today πŸŽ‰ 

After doctors appointments every day this week, it was clear that the MRI results results from a few weeks ago were inconclusive and that the Sigmoidoscopy (similar to a colonoscopy) today from the Colo-Rectal surgeon was going to be the piece needed to determine our next steps. After the procedure, she came and reported that there is NO EVIDENCE OF THE TUMOR, which means no surgery is needed on the colon!!! Praise God πŸ™ŒπŸ» This is a HUGE WIN and something that we have been praying to avoid since the diagnosis almost a year ago. 

As the shock of this great news is lifting, we are immensely grateful. We know we have been covered in prayer and specifically that the colon would be clear. Thank you for prayers ❀️

Now, we are still far from done. Ben has been doing rounds of chemo since the start of March and is still getting chemo in the pump directly to the liver. He will continue that cadence until his next liver surgery, to clear the right lobe of the liver (schedule TBD- most likely in the next 4-6 weeks). Additionally, the CT scan showed that there are a few small spots on his lungs. The doctors this week said that it could β€œbe nothing” but the hope is that chemo he is currently getting now will take care of those spots. They are too small to biopsy so those will be handled with a wait and watch approach. 

Thank you all for loving our family so well ❀️ Thank you for being there with us in the hard and the dark days and thank you for celebrating with us today as God performed an actual miracle in Ben’s body. Let us continue to pray for FULL healing in Jesus name πŸ™πŸ»


April 2024


March Updates & Scans